
Grade 6

The clumsiness of sixth and seventh grade students is legendary. In the sixth-grade, students contend with the physical, cognitive and emotional changes brought about by puberty. The physical clumsiness caused by physical changes is mirrored

Grade 5

Fifth graders have gained a measure of self-assurance with the accumulation of experience and academic skills. Little do they know that they stand at the fulcrum point between childhood and adulthood, and the coming onset

Grade 4

Fourth graders have grown a bit sturdier than their third-grade counterparts, both emotionally and physically. During the year, they will have come through the storm of the 9- year transformation and are building connections with

Grade 3

At some point in the third or fourth grade year, students will realize that

Grade 2

In first grade, students still naturally feel themselves very much part of the group.

Grade 1

In first grade, children are gloriously ripe for structured academic